Tuesday, 7 August 2018


A long time ago in 1756 in the countryside of Rotorua there was a peaceful village named Awhi pahikara Nono(embrace bicycle bottom) it was never used since a million years.In the Roto (lake) right next to it there lived a merman his name was Manaakitanga. He was happily swimming in the wonderful Roto. This was also a magic blue lovely merman easily spotted in the bright Puru(blue) water but there were problems being a magic merman.

On one of the peaceful days a proud chief named matinnia and his village was looking for a new place to live. When he was passing he saw the sparks flying from the Roto. He ordered the drivers to STOP!! and he obeyed. The matinnia went down and looked at the place and announced”we will make these our Whare”. Hooray yelled the villagers. The merman  heard this and thought instantly TROUBLE!

The next morning the matinnia went down and yelled at the Roto” come out magic thing I know you are there” suddenly with a splash of a wake out he came Manaakitanga. Matinnia said slightly suspicious would you like to join me in ruling the world almost instantly he replied KAORE!.  Then disapperated right before the chief got to angry.

The chief yelled at the village of Awhi Pahikara Nono we are having a meeting tonight. So that night the chief told the villagers that we are going to. In the morning they put the plan into action they emptied all the rubbish bins and put it on catapults. Finally they were ready on the command of the chief the shot the Rubbish on the catapults into the lake. When after a while the merman noticed and was really sad. It then hit him that he had a better and more master than that dumb chiefs. He called the villagers and asked them a specific question“do you like your chief” they relied no in a very weird expression on their face. Right this is what we will do. It was all agreed with the word ae. Soon Manaakitanga gathered all the rubbish and shot it directly at the chief when he called to the Manaakitanga come and join me and Manaakitanga relied with the same answer. Out came the villagers to thank the mighty merman.

Now we know how Mokoia island was made the merman died after the chief he was half and the chief was half and that is how it made.

The end.
Writing : Narrative Legends.



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Writing  Narrative Legends

I need help to write  a narrative legend.

I can write a narrative legend if I am guided.
I can use some structures of a narrative (beginning, middle, end, setting, characters, plot)

I can use some descriptive words to describe characters, setting and events.

I can use the structures of a narrative (beginning, middle, end, setting, characters, plot)

I use a range of descriptive words to describe characters, settings and events.

I use a range of simple, compound and complex sentences.  

I can organise my ideas into paragraphs.

I can check that each sentence is complete and makes sense.
I can use the structures of a narrative (beginning, middle, end, setting, characters, plot)

I use a range of descriptive words and details to describe characters, settings and events.  Using figurative language to help develop connection with the audience.

I deliberately use a range of simple, compound and complex sentences to set the mood of my writing.  

I can organise my ideas into paragraphs.

I can check that each sentence is complete and makes sense.

I seek feedback on how to improve my writing.